The version history of Bordello! ============================================================================ Version 1.1 == December 24, 1992 -- Fixed problem of entering negative numbers for the police payoff. -- Added a combination feature to the covert action of stealing another players money. You can set the number of attempts to crack the combination in the SYSOP.CFG file. If you break the combination, you get all the money. -- Removed the auto-color checking routines. -- Covert actions are now sysop configurable! -- Opening screen now shows exactly how many plays are left for today. -- Opening screen now shows how many people are currently playing the game. -- Added more randomization to the day money made. -- Added a phrase routine that a player may send to another player if they have a SUCCESSFUL covert action! They'll be asked to enter their phrase at the start of a new game, and they can also change it from the main menu by selecting option 'A'. -- Removed blank spaces from the beginning and ending of a players ALIAS name. -- The amount of money to dump a whore has been maxed out at $25,000. -- Adjusted the TIMEOUT routines. -- Added another COVERT ACTION, "Spy on another player!" This option will show you some information on your opponent....if you get by his thugs! -- Added another fight screen. -- Adjusted the cost to move to another level. ============================================================================ Version 1.0a == November 14, 1992 -- Decided to put a limit on how much the doctor charges and how much it costs to cure one of the girls. Limit is now maximized at $10,000. -- Fixed a problem in the UTILITY program that saved the BORDELO.CFG as STUDET!.CFG. -- Recompiled using the newer routines. /IRQ or +IRQ will now work interchangably. There were some reports of conflicts on Novell systems using the / for the IRQ number. ============================================================================ Version 1.0 == November 10, 1992 --- First Release! ============================================================================